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Barcelona opens a temporary shelter for homeless young people from ages 18 to 21

shelter barcelona

The center has been designed to accommodate 21 people and provides its residents with the possibility to stay there for one year. Young people who are eligible to live in this shelter must be between 18-21 years of age, or in some special cases, up to 25. The dwellers receive all the social and educational assistance they might need as well as help in the search for employment.

The center’s services are oriented mainly toward young adults who used to live in orphanages and immigrants whose presence in the capital have increased drastically through the last year. The center informs us that if the young people seeking assistance should suffer from any kind of addiction, this fact will not be an obstacle to receiving the services the center provides. However, this establishment is not intended to focus on addiction rehabilitation services, since specialized centers for this purpose already exist in Barcelona.

The foundation in charge of the center is the Associació per la Promoció i la Inserció Professional - Associació Cívica d'Ajuda Mútua (Apip-Acam). The center has been named Maria Feixa after the donor who gave her property for the sake of this project.


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