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Barcelona to host “The City of Dreams” instead of the usual Children’s Christmas Festival

La Ciutat dels Somnis

Here comes a new festival called The City of Dreams (La Ciutat dels Somnis) that is oriented toward education and development.

“We’d like to recreate a miniature city with the same districts as the real city – with a ‘mayor’s office’ on the central square and the possibility to participate in various activities,” says Carmen Andres (Minister for Children, Adolescents, and Adults’ Affairs at the government of Barcelona). In this way, in the form of a game, children will have the perfect opportunity to try some professional activities they might consider choosing in the future.

The City of Dreams will consist of 12 parts, each of which will be dedicated to various professional activities. The children will learn the basic facts integral to the sectors of transport, restaurants, construction, food production, gastronomy, science, arts, ecology, and other kinds of professional work.

The festival organizers promise that the ticket price, which has been 12 euros to date, will be reduced. The renovated children’s festival will be held in Barcelona this year from December 27th to December 30th.


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