As AMB informs us, this small reduction in the fee will help Barcelona’s residents save 5 million euros annually.
The Price Commission is a division of the Generalitat that is responsible for the approbation of water tariffs. It also informs residents of any changes in tariffs for the districts. The water company, Aguas de Barcelona, provides the services for these areas.
In March, the city council approved the reduction of the water supply tariffs as the second such reduction in the last two years. In total, these reductions constitute approximately 4%.
According to AMB, lowering the tariffs was made possible by the cancellation of the envisaged tariff increase of 11.8% initially ratified by Aigües Ter-Llobregat (ATLL) as well as the company’s re-consideration of its financial expenditures and adjustment to the volumes of the amount of water actually supplied, among other factors.