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Three new schools for children aged 0 to 3 years to open in Barcelona

escoles bressol

Canòdrom and EBM Encants centers will begin operating in September 2018. Seats in these centers will be offered through a process of preliminary registration for the coming school year.

Aurora school is expected to open its doors in January of 2019. Due to the launch of an experimental project organized by this social and educational center, the city does not foresee any preliminary registration for this school. The families that remain on a waiting list based on proximity to this school, and those with an identical number of points received from a preliminary registration, will gain access to this educational establishment.

Considering the emergence of new educational centers and the decreasing numbers of students, the 101 kindergartens in Barcelona will have a total of 8,411 vacant spots. That is a total of 217 more vacant places than last year, consisting of 775 vacant spots for children born in 2018, 3,353 spots for those born in 2017, and 4,195 spots for those born in 2016.

Additionally, in 2019, the “escoles bressol” of Barcelona will toughen their specialists’ selection criteria in order to improve the overall quality and function of the system.


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